Friday 14 October 2011

Lesson No. 9


Word # 1

Utmost (adjective)

Definition: highest / used to emphasize how important or serious something is / the greatest possible degree

Sentence: 1. You must do your utmost to see that the report is completed by the deadline. 2.  It is a matter of the utmost importance 3. The situation needs to be handled with the utmost care.

Word # 2

Precocious (adjective)

Definition: intelligent / bright and talented / (especially of children) showing mental development or achievement much earlier than usual

Sentence: 1. The precocious child was ahead of all her classmates.
2. A precocious child, she went to university at the age of 15. 3. My nephew, who is now a Harvard mathematician was a precocious child who could multiply and divide in the first grade.

Word # 3

Simpleton (noun)

Definition: gullible (easily persuaded or deceived) person / a person without the usual ability to reason and understand / a person lacking intelligence

Sentence: 1. The instructions were so complicated I felt like a complete simpleton. 2. His silly antics at office parties have earned him a reputation as a simpleton.

Word # 4

Opt (verb)

Definition: choose / decide on / select / to make a choice, especially for one thing or possibility in preference to any others

Sentence: 1. Mike opted for early retirement. 2. "Give individual schools the right to opt out of the local educational authority" (Newsweek).

Word # 5

Primeval (adjective)

Definition: primitive, ancient; existing at or from a very early time

Sentence: 1. Primeval forests 2. The boys found a primeval tool that might have been used by cavemen to spear fish for food.

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